In 2018, again I had plenty of opportunities to shoot arctic panoramas, making these interesting and beautiful (well in some cases, it is interesting or beautiful) easily accessible for everybody. Physically, most of them are pretty much inaccessible for most people. A panorama photo does not physically take you to, say, a mountain top on Prins Karls Forland, but it is the next best thing – it gives you the feeling to be in the middle of the landscape, you can just turn around and enjoy the full view of the arctic landscape.
Over 5 years now, the by far largest digital museum of Spitsbergen (Svalbard) has thus come into existance. And it keeps growing. It takes quite some time and effort to turn the 18 RAW files (35, in some cases) into one panorama and to make that part of a dedicated little website or even to turn many panoramas into one virtual tour, such as the school / kindergarten in Pyramiden. In many cases it has taken years for material to progress on the list to the point where it actually appears on the website.
New Spitsbergen panoramas: the round view from Persiskammen, in the southern part of Prins Karls Forland, is just one out of many
(this here is just a screenshot without panorama function).
Here is a choice of new Spitsbergen panoramas that we have made during the last couple of months and weeks – a little Christmas-/New Years’s present for the Spitsbergen community:
Pyramiden: School / Kindergarten. In October the whole collection of Pyramiden panoramas had moved to a dedicated little map so you can find your way around as you take a little walk through the old ghost town, possibly visiting a building here and there. And we added some new panoramas, including the school / kindergarten, which is our largest single virtual tour so far – the building has 3 floors! Other new ones include the old mines.
Barentsburg: also here we did not just add new material, but we sorted the panos on a dedicated map, so you know where you are. New panoramas include the brewery, Lenin, the chapel, …
Let’s get out of the settlements and into the wilderness. Murraypynten is a point on Prins Karls Forland with some fine views.
Another one on Prins Karls Forland. Nesungen is on the outer side of the island, which is exposed and rarely visited.
Last but definitely not least from Prins Karls Forland. The view on Persiskammen, this lonesome mountain in the south of the island, is just stunning!
Posteren "Svalbardhytter" (70 x 100 cm) viser mangfoldet av Svalbards hytter i forskjellige landskap. Posteren nytes best sammen med boka "Svalbardhytter".
Boka supplerer posteren Svalbardhytter. Den forteller historiene bak hyttene på tre språk mens posteren visualiserer de mange variasjonene av hyttene i Svalbards forskjellige landskap.
Denne boka er ikke bare den mest omfattende Svalbard-guidebok med informasjon angående alle relevante fagområder, men den er samtidig en fotobok med mange bilder som illustrerer Svalbard sitt landskapelig mangfold, sammen med dyre- og plantelivet sitt i sin helhet.