Det går egentlig ganske bra med Svalbards isbjørner. Bestanden er stabil eller øker til og med litt, og mange dyr er i god fysisk form. Sånt beskriver Jon Aars situasjonen. Aars er den ledende isbjørnforskeren ved Norsk Polarinstitutt, se den siste artikkelen på denne hjemmesiden.
Men det finnes andre meninger. Her leser du Morten Jørgensens kritisk svar til Jon Aars sin beskrivelse om situasjonen Svalbards isbjørner er inne nå. Morten Jørgensen er forfatteren til boka Polar bears: beloved and betrayed.
There is a tendency in polar bear management to push the consequences of the many problems that the species face into the future. Sometimes the near future. But never right now. Because that would mean that the hunting would have to stop, and the managers cannot bring themselves to even begin to face that decision. This laissez-faire attitude of projection of today’s issues into the future spills over into science.
Latest, Jon Aars claims that the polar bears in Svalbard for now are doing ok – but will face tougher times in the decades to come. He even goes so far as to say that the local population is stable and may be growing.
He has absolutely no scientific basis for making such statements.
The latest attempt at counting the polar bears of Svalbard led to the conclusion that there is no statistical significant change in the population since the previous «count». In other words, Jon Aars’ optimism is based not in scientific data, but in … ? I guess only he knows.
Also: The presumed stability of the population, based on the data from those last two counts, is NOT a good sign. It is actually almost evidence that the local polar bear population on Svalbard is in dire straits. How so? Well, the other mainstream mistake which Jon Aars makes is to forget the historical context. If everything was just fine, the local polar bear population in Svalbard should in recent decades have shown, and should still be showing, a significant increase – based on their current local protection status after long periods of extreme over-hunting. The very fact that the population is still lingering at a meager 200-500 or so bears is a clear indication that the disintegration of their main habitat is causing the local population to be under massive stress.
The Svalbard polar bear population is clinging on. And must be presumed to be facing a steep decline soon. To bring forth unfounded optimism is not good science, but only serves to falsely appease those who think that urgent action is not needed for the polar bear to receive full protection.
Posteren "Svalbardhytter" (70 x 100 cm) viser mangfoldet av Svalbards hytter i forskjellige landskap. Posteren nytes best sammen med boka "Svalbardhytter".
Boka supplerer posteren Svalbardhytter. Den forteller historiene bak hyttene på tre språk mens posteren visualiserer de mange variasjonene av hyttene i Svalbards forskjellige landskap.
Denne boka er ikke bare den mest omfattende Svalbard-guidebok med informasjon angående alle relevante fagområder, men den er samtidig en fotobok med mange bilder som illustrerer Svalbard sitt landskapelig mangfold, sammen med dyre- og plantelivet sitt i sin helhet.