The sky is mostly cloudy here these days, and when the stars are shining through, then coordination with solar activity in the magnetosphere –
northern lights, Aurora borealis – is not yet quite perfect.
Northern lights over Adventdalen.
You can’t force «Lady Aurora», the only thing that helps, as so often in life and especially in the Arctic, is patience and a bit of luck. Well, we do have some modern tools: weather forecasts, northern light apps, webcams. Sometimes these things even work. Sometimes not. Anyway, nice toys 🙂
Longyearbyen in the polar night.
But anyway – it is always beautiful here, with or without northern lights. Life is going a bit more slowly here now in the dark season. You spend some more time seeing friends, you go for walks, make sure you get a bit of exercise. And of course normal life and work is going on, it is a great time to put new panoramas together or to work on a new book 🙂 well, things like that.
Northern light over Lindholmhøgda and Gruvedalen.
But still, the northern lights are of such a great beauty, it is always stunning. So you keep your eyes and ears open and it is always worth going out to check what’s going on …
And then you just happen to be at the right place at the right time 🙂 there could have been fewer clouds, but still, some of them are actually quite good for decoration … so we had a lovely northern light dancing over Adventdalen, with a hint of purple at the lower edge on the otherwise green curtains of light.
And one more because it is so beautiful: northern light over Adventdalen.
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