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NB! Liten skrift: Din kom­men­tar vil bli syn­lig etter at vi har godkjent den. Du kan så klart være uenig med meg, men jeg vil være sik­ker på at vi ikke får respekt­lø­se kom­men­ta­rer eller uak­sep­ta­belt språk på dis­se side­ne.

John Marks wro­te on 18. mars 2014 at 18:53
In the Land­na­ma­bok, Sval­bard seems to be Jan May­en, so it was dis­co­ver­ed and named by the Ice­land­ers some 500 years befo­re the Dutch.
Why has the name 'Sval­bard' been trans­fer­red to Spits­ber­gen which, from the Land­na­ma­bok sai­ling direc­tions, could not pos­si­bly have been Spits­ber­gen?

Hi - short ans­wer from Rolf. It has been a deba­te for many deca­des, main­ly fol­lo­wing the Spits­ber­gen Trea­ty signed in 1920. The use of 'Sval­bard' was main­ly favou­red by Nor­we­gi­an his­to­ri­ans and tho­se who pre­fer­red this name for poli­ti­cal reasons rather than his­to­ri­cal ones, to make a state­ment of the archi­pe­la­go being Norse/Norwegian rather than Dutch or any­thing else. What 'Sval­bard' ori­gi­nal­ly refer­red to is uncer­tain, Jan May­en is one opti­on that has been sug­gested, tog­e­ther with the east Green­land coast, Spits­ber­gen or the pack ice edge. (what makes you so cer­tain that the 1194 ent­ry in the Ice­lan­dic Land­ná­ma­bok refer­red to Jan May­en?)
Around 1920, the term Sval­bard was hard­ly used. The trea­ty as signed in 1920 did not have the term Sval­bard at all any­whe­re in the text. Nevert­hel­ess, it is today com­mon­ly refer­red to as the 'Sval­bard trea­ty' alt­hough it should be the 'Spits­ber­gen trea­ty'. I guess you should direct your ques­ti­on to Nor­we­gi­an his­to­ri­ans and aut­ho­ri­ties to check why this is so.


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Siste modifikasjon: 03.03.2019 · Opphavsrett: Rolf Stange